• St. Roman the Melodist - Прп. Роман Сладкопевец  x-small

Produced by: Sofrino

Size: 2.5" x 3"


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St. Roman the Melodist - Прп. Роман Сладкопевец x-small

  • Brand: Sofrino
  • Product Code: 384677
  • Availability: 4
  • $5.00

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St. Larisa - Св. мученица Лариса x-small

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St. Helen - св. Равноапостольная Елена x-small

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Holy Prophet Elias (Elijah) / Св. пророк Илия x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 3" x 2.5"..


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Righteous Anna - Св. праведная Анна x-small

Description: Icon of Righteous Anna, the mother of the Mother of God Produced by: Sofrino Siz..


Reigning Icon of the Mother of God/ БМ "Державная"  x-small

Reigning Icon of the Mother of God/ БМ "Державная" x-small

Produced by: SofrinoSize: 2.5" x 3"..


Holy Apostle Peter - Св. апостол Петр x-small

Holy Apostle Peter - Св. апостол Петр x-small

Description: Icon of the Holy Apostle Peter Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


St. Alexis the Man of God - Прп. Алексий, человек Божий x-small
Mother of God "It Is Truly Meet" - БМ "Достойно есть" x-small
Holy Martyr Boniface/ Св. муч. Вонифатий xs

Holy Martyr Boniface/ Св. муч. Вонифатий xs

Produced by: SofrinoSize: 2.5" x 3"Commemorated: 19 Dec./ 1 January  ..


Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts" / БМ "Умягчение злых сердец" x-small

Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts" / БМ "Умягчение злых сердец" x-small

Description: Icon of the Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts" Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2..


Sts Guriy, Samon, and Aviv/ Мчч. Гурий, Самон и Авив x-small
Our Lady of Kazan - БМ Казанская x-small

Our Lady of Kazan - БМ Казанская x-small

Produced by: SofriinoSize: 2.5" x 3"Matching Pair: Our Lord Jesus Christ - Господь Вседержитель..


Our Lady of Kazan - БМ Казанская x-small

Our Lady of Kazan - БМ Казанская x-small

Description: Icon of Our Lady of Kazan Produced by: SofrinoSize: 2.5" x 3"..


Guardian Angel - Ангел Хранитель  x-small

Guardian Angel - Ангел Хранитель x-small

Description: Icon of the Guardian Angel Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


St. Matrona of Moscow - Блаж. Матрона Московская x-small
Our Lady of Kazan - БМ Казанская

Our Lady of Kazan - БМ Казанская

Description: Icon of Our Lady of Kazan Produced by: Sofrino Size: 7.125" x 8.625"Matching pai..


Our Lady of Kazan - БМ Казанская

Our Lady of Kazan - БМ Казанская

Description: Icon of Our Lady of Kazan Produced by: Sofrino Size: 7.125" x 8.625"Matching pai..


St. Nicholas - Св. Николай Мирликийский x-small

St. Nicholas - Св. Николай Мирликийский x-small

Description: Icon of St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker Produced by: Sofrino Size: 3" x 2.5"..


Holy Apostle Paul - Св. апостол Павел x-small

Holy Apostle Paul - Св. апостол Павел x-small

Description: Icon of the Holy Apostle Paul Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


Holy Myrrhbearing Women - Свв. Жены мироносицы small

Holy Myrrhbearing Women - Свв. Жены мироносицы small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 4.5" x 5.375"..


Four Icons Mother of God/ Четырехчастная икона Божией Матери

Four Icons Mother of God/ Четырехчастная икона Божией Матери

Description: Four Icons of the Mother of God with Crucifixion of Christ.  Upper left corner, th..


St. Vera / Св. мученица Вера Римская x-small

St. Vera / Св. мученица Вера Римская x-small

Produced by: Ermei Size: 2.5" x 3"..


Holy Apostle Philip - Св. апостол Филипп x-small

Holy Apostle Philip - Св. апостол Филипп x-small

Produced by: Ermei Size: 2.5" x 3"..


Archangel Gabriel - Архангел Гавриил

Archangel Gabriel - Архангел Гавриил

Description: Icon of Archangel Gabriel Produced by: Sofrino Size: 4.5" x 5.375"..


St. Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles - Св. равноап., князь Владимир
Mother of God "Unexpected Joy"/ БМ "Нечаянная Радость"

Mother of God "Unexpected Joy"/ БМ "Нечаянная Радость"

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 4.25" x 5.25"..


St. Sergius of Radonezh - Прп. Сергий Радонежский x-small
St. Constantine - Св. Константин x-small

St. Constantine - Св. Константин x-small

Produced by: SofrinoSize: 3" x 2.5"..


Iveron Mother of God / Иверская БМ x-small

Iveron Mother of God / Иверская БМ x-small

Produced by: SofrinoSize: 3" x 2.5"..


St. Anthony the Great - Прп. Антоний Великий x-small

St. Anthony the Great - Прп. Антоний Великий x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


St. Yaroslav of Murom - Св. блгв.  кн. Ярослав Муромский x-small
Mother of God "Feodorovskaya"/ БМ "Феодоровская" x-small

Mother of God "Feodorovskaya"/ БМ "Феодоровская" x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


Mother of God "Of the Passion" - БМ "Страстная" x-small

Mother of God "Of the Passion" - БМ "Страстная" x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


St. Lydia in Illyria/ Св. мученица Лидия Иллирийская x-small
St. Maximus the Confessor - Прп. Максим исповедник x-small
St. Maximus the Greek - Прп. Максим Грек x-small

St. Maximus the Greek - Прп. Максим Грек x-small

Produced by: SofrinoSize: 2.5" x 3"..


Holy Martyr Victor at Damascus - Св. муч. Виктор x-small

Holy Martyr Victor at Damascus - Св. муч. Виктор x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


St. Daniel of Moscow - Св. блгв. кн.  Даниил Московский x-small
Holy Martyr Anatolius of Nicea - Св. муч. Анатолий x-small
St. Cyril, Equal to the Apostles - Св. равноап., Кирилл x-small
Holy Martyr Eugene - Св. муч. Евгений x-small

Holy Martyr Eugene - Св. муч. Евгений x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


Holy Martyr Alla - Св. муч. Алла Готфская xs

Holy Martyr Alla - Св. муч. Алла Готфская xs

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"  ..


Holy Martyr Claudia - Св. муч. Клавдия Анкирская x-small
Holy Martyr John the Soldier - Св. муч. Иоанн Воин x-small
St. Rostislav - Св. блгв. вел. кн.  Ростислав x-small
St. Oleg of Briansk - Св. блгв. кн.  Олег Брянский x-small
Holy Martyr Christina of Tyre - Св. муч. Христина x-small

Holy Martyr Christina of Tyre - Св. муч. Христина x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


Holy Martyr Hope (Nadezhda) - Св. муч. Надежда  x-small

Holy Martyr Hope (Nadezhda) - Св. муч. Надежда x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


Holy Martyr Daria - Св. муч. Дария Римская xs

Holy Martyr Daria - Св. муч. Дария Римская xs

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"  ..


St. Joanna the Myrrhbearer - Св. Иоанна Мироносица x-small
Righteous Leah - Св. праведная Лия x-small

Righteous Leah - Св. праведная Лия x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


Holy Martyr Neonilla - Св. муч. Неонилла xs

Holy Martyr Neonilla - Св. муч. Неонилла xs

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"  ..


Righteous Eve - Св. Ева праматерь x-small

Righteous Eve - Св. Ева праматерь x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


Blessed Thais of Egypt - Блаженная Таисия x-small

Blessed Thais of Egypt - Блаженная Таисия x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


Holy Martyr Love (Lubov) - Св. муч. Любовь Римская x-small
Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth - Св. муч. Галина Коринфская xs
Holy Martyr and Passion-bearer Gleb - Св. блгв. кн. Глеб x-small
Holy Martyr and Passion-bearer Boris - Св. блгв. кн. Борис x-small
Holy Martyr Faith (Vera) - Св. муч. Вера x-small

Holy Martyr Faith (Vera) - Св. муч. Вера x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


Venerable Vitalius of Gaza - Прп. Виталий x-small

Venerable Vitalius of Gaza - Прп. Виталий x-small

Produced by: SofrinoSize: 2.5" x 3"..


Holy Martyr Leonidas of Corinth - Св. муч. Леонид x-small

Holy Martyr Leonidas of Corinth - Св. муч. Леонид x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"Commemorated: 10/23 March, 16/29 April..


Holy Martyr Iraida (Rhais) of Alexandria - Св. муч. Ираида (Раиса) Александрийская x-small

Holy Martyr Iraida (Rhais) of Alexandria - Св. муч. Ираида (Раиса) Александрийская x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"Commemorated: 5/18 September, 23 Sept./6 October..


St. Anna of Kashin - Св. блгв. кн.  Анна Кашинская x-small

St. Anna of Kashin - Св. блгв. кн. Анна Кашинская x-small

Produced by: SofrinoSize: 2.5" x 3"Commemorated: 12/25 June,  2/15 October..


St. Eugenia of Rome - Св. прмц. Евгения Римская x-small

St. Eugenia of Rome - Св. прмц. Евгения Римская x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"Commemorated: 24 Dec./ 6 January..


Mother of God of Kasperov/ БМ "Касперовская"

Mother of God of Kasperov/ БМ "Касперовская"

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 7" x 8.5"..


Tags: Sofrino