Publisher: Orthodox Hawaiian Iveron Icon Association (OHIIA)

Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.25"

Format/Cover Type: Softcover

Pages: 40

Description: In honor of the upcoming 15th anniversary of the wondrous appearance of the miraculous Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of the Mother of God of Hawaii (2022), the Orthodox Hawaiian Iveron Icon Association has published this Akathist. As expressed in the introduction, “Wherever the Holy Icon goes, the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother abound. People have commented that just being in the presence of this Icon, one feels such an abundance of love and joy. It is truly indescribable. We are so very blessed that God has shown His love toward us by allowing us a small foreshadowing of what the saints call ‘the true odor of sanctity.’ ”

The publication includes a Foreword by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, an Introduction about the Holy Icon, and Troparia to Iveron Icons “of Hawaii,” “of Montreal,” “of Mount Athos,” and “of Moscow.” The pages are richly enhanced with well over two dozen photographs. Cover includes flaps; binding is stitched so as to lay flat; inner pages are printed on glossy paper. 

Income from the publication assists the Foundation in bringing the Holy Icon throughout the Orthodox world, as well as toward the memorial shrine being built in honor of the Holy Icon, in Hawaii.

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Akathist Hymn to the Wonderworking Iveron Icon

  • $10.00

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