Publisher: St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery, Arizona

Format/Cover Type:

Dimensions: 4.75" x 6.5"


"Nurturer of Children" - First in the series, this powerful akathist is already in its fourth printing. Hundreds of mothers faithfully take this little book in hand to pray daily for their children by name. 24 pages.

"The Inexhaustible Cup" - Written to the miracle-working icon of the same name, this akathist appeals to the Virgin for help in healing those addicted to alcohol or drugs; it may be prayed either by those suffering from addiction or by another person on their behalf. Many miraculous healings have occurred through the grace of this holy icon. 32 pages.

"Healer of Cancer" - This beautiful akathist is written to the Mother of God Pantanassa or Queen of All, an Athonite miracle-working icon, effective in many healings of cancer. 32 pages.

"The Milkgiver" - This Akathist—pure and beautiful in its simplicity—was composed in honor of the unique Wonderworking Icon, “The Milkgiver,” treasured in the Serbian Hilandar Monastery on the Holy Mountain. The Theotokos is depicted breastfeeding Christ, a poignant model for mothers nourishing their children. This maternal image is woven throughout the text, as the Mother of God is our “sheltering wing,” “protection for our little children,” “support of families of the faithful,” and “nurturer of the young and weak.” She is the nurturer of all, for her milk “noetically poureth forth immaterial gifts, nurturing the hearts and souls of the faithful.” This English version is translated from Serbian and printed with the blessing of Hilandar Monastery. A fitting gift, especially during the season of Christ’s Nativity. Inner pages include several full-page icons, and the entire pocket-sized book is fully adorned with a festive design. 32 pages.

Myrrh-streaming Icon of the Mother of God, "Softener of Evil Hearts" - The wonderworking, myrrh-streaming icon of the Mother of God, “Softener of Evil Hearts,” is one of the sacred treasures of the Russian Orthodox Church today. The icon depicts the boundless sorrow and pain of heart that the Theotokos experienced during her earthly life, as prophesied by Simeon the Godreceiver, a sword shall pierce through thine own soul also... (Luke 2:35). The icon first began to stream myrrh in 1998 and continues to stream, often in response to occurrences in the world, including the 9-11 terrorist attack and the Beslan school massacre. On Pascha night, 2020, bright red drops resembling blood appeared on the icon. In an interview with the guardian of the icon, Sergei Fomin, he speaks of the many healings that occur. Everywhere, the icon is received with joy and hope. Multitudes of people come to venerate the holy icon and to ask for healing from bodily illnesses (including cancer), for consolation in sorrows and afflictions of life, for the softening of their own hearts and those of their neighbors, for help and support for their spirits and souls. All those who turn to the Mother of God in prayer before the icon sense an easing of spiritual and physical suffering. They begin to recognize that when they pray for their enemies before the icon, their feelings of enmity are softened, and that strife and hatred abate, giving way to kindness. 32 pages.


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Akathists to the Mother of God

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Tags: Akathists, Theotokos, Pantanassa, Healer of Cancer, Milkgiver, Inexhaustible Cup, Nurturer of Children, Softener of Evil Hearts