About Us
About HVC Bookstore
The Holy Virgin Cathedral Bookstore, established in the 1960s, is an integral part of the Holy Virgin Community of San Francisco (Cathedral of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow").
The bookstore was opened with the blessing of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco. As a layperson, Father Seraphim Rose spent a substantial amount of time working at this store. The bookstore has been selling books, icons and other religious items to visitors of the Cathedral for many decades.
Today we have books on a wide variety of religious topics in both English and Russian. We carry a wide selection of icons of different sizes and styles. We also have gold and sliver jewelry which include crosses, pendants, rings, necklaces, etc. Our music section has a large assortment of CDs to chose from. The devotional section has vigil lamps, candle stands, votive candles, charcoal with all the possible incense you can imagine. Greeting cards for all occasions are also available.
Since the Glorification of St. John Maximovitch, Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, in 1994, our bookstore has become the center for pilgrims visting our Cathedral and looking to buy products associated with one of the most popular saints of the Russian Orthodox Church in recent years. We now specialize in all products associated with St. John whose holy relics reside in our Cathedral.
There are many more other items which we have available in our retail store (located right next door to the Cathedral at 6200 Geary Blvd.), so if you are looking for a particular item that doesn't appear on our site, please email us at info@hvcbookstore.com and we will do everything we can to help find what you are looking for.
Please visit us regularly for updates and help spread the word. All profit from this bookstore directly supports our Cathedral.
All icons and crosses available on our website have been blessed.
HVC Bookstore
6200 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, CA 94121
Phone: +1 (415) 668-5218 (Bookstore)
Toll-Free Customer Service: 1-888-295-5290
Email: hvcbookstoresf@gmail.com
This site is affiliated with the Holy Virgin Community of San Francisco, Inc.