• The New Chrysostom, Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic

Publisher: St. Tikhon's Seminary Press

Author: Bishop Artemije, Vladislav Maevskii

Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"

Format/Cover Type: Softcover

ISBN: 978-1-878997-91-3

Pages: 150

Description: "Thirty years have passed since Bishop Nikolaj departed from this world to a much better one, to God s eternal world. Long before, however, this great man from Lelic, the Bishop of Ohrid and Zica of blessed repose, was rightfully known as our New Chrysostom." "On this thirtieth anniversary of his repose, it is my pleasure to reveal some more facts about him than are generally known by the people of Lelic in particular, by the Serbian people in general, and by the Orthodox and Christian world at large. I am aware of my modest means in contrast to the complexities and greatness of the person and works of Bishop Nikolaj). However, as his closest compatriot and neighbor, I will attempt to present his evangelical life and his varied and prolific pastoral work, beginning with his birth in Lelic in 1880 and ending with his blessed repose in America in 1956." 

- Bishop Artemije


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The New Chrysostom, Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic

  • $15.00

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