• The Divine Liturgy of Our Father St. John Chrysostom, Service Book-Slav/Eng

Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications, 2022

Dimensions: 4" x 6.25"

Format/Cover Type: Hardcover

Pages: 287

ISBN: 978-0-88465-484-1

Description: This convenient pocket size book contains the necessary texts for the celebration of the liturgy of St John Chrysostom by the priest and deacon, interpolated with comprehensive rubrical directions. Texts sung by the choir are also shown. The parallel format gives the Church Slavonic texts on the left page and the English on the right. The book includes the proskomedia, daily and festal dismissals, thanksgiving prayers,  petitions for the sick,  for travelers, etc.  Printed with red and black ink. Includes two ribbons


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The Divine Liturgy of Our Father St. John Chrysostom, Service Book-Slav/Eng

  • $34.00

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