Publisher: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press

Author: John B. Dunlop

Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"

Format/Cover Type: Softcover

ISBN: 978-0-88141-580-3

Pages: 272

Description: St John Maximovitch (1896–1966) is loved and venerated throughout the world. Born on the eve of the Communist Revolution, he was a leading figure in the Russian diaspora, serving the Church in Yugoslavia, China, the Philippines, France, and the United States. His sanctity, asceticism, and wonderworking are well known from several different published versions of his life.

In Exodus, readers discover more about St John’s role in sustaining his flock in Shanghai, arranging for their flight to Tubabao, and his successful efforts to lobby the U.S. government, which allowed thousands of refugees and orphans to emigrate to America. Drawing extensively on unpublished primary sources—letters, memoirs, interviews, newspaper articles from key figures and eyewitnesses—John B. Dunlop takes readers on an exciting journey, as they learn more about both St John and his émigré flock.

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Exodus: St John Maximovitch Leads His Flock out of Shanghai

  • $25.00

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