Publisher: Chrysostom Press
Author: St. Demetrius of Rostov
Dimensions: 6.25" x 9.5"
Format/Cover Type: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-960-7070-42-5
Description: When complete, this series will contain twelve volumes, one for each month of the Church year, beginning with September. Each volume includes one or more full length lives for each day of the month, about 50 in total. Also includes homilies for major feastdays. Set currently includes September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, and May.
September - Contains full length, unabridged lives of the saints for each day of the month, including Symeon the Stylite; Euphrosynus the Cook; Eustace; Faith, Hope, Love, and their mother, Sophia; and Equal to the Apostles Thecla. Available in softcover only. 500 pages.
October - Contains full length, unabridged lives of the saints for each day of the month, including Hieromartyr Cyprian & Martyr Justina; Pelagia the Nun; Martyr Longinus the Centurion by the Cross; and Gt. Martyr Demetrius. Available in softcover only. 470 pages.
November - Contains full length, unabridged lives of the saints for each day of the month, including Ioannicius the Great; the Synaxis of Archangel Michael; John the Merciful; and the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple. Hardbound. 686 pages.
December - Contains full length, unabridged lives of the saints for each day of the month, including Philaret the Almsgiver, Martyr Barbara, John of Damascus, Ambrose of Milan, Spyridon of Tremithus, and Martyr Anastasia. Hardbound. 616 pages.
January - Contains full length, unabridged lives of the saints for each day of the month, including Basil the Great, the 70 Apostles, Anthony the Great, Xenophon and Mary and their sons John and Arcadius. Hardbound. 533 pages.
February - Contains full length, unabridged lives of the saints for each day of the month, including Martyr Agatha; Gt. Martyr Theodore the Commander; Charalampus; Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople. Available in softcover only. 321 pages.
March - Contains full length lives of the saints for each day of March, including Martyr Eudocia, 40 Martyrs of Sebastea, Benedict of Nursia, Alexis Man of God, John of the Ladder. Hardbound. 500 pages.
April - Contains full length lives of the saints for each day of April, including Great-martyr George, Isaac of Syria, Apostle and Evangelist Mark, St. Mary of Egypt. Hardbound. 375 pages.
May - Contains full length lives of the saints for each day of May, including Prophet Jeremiah, Righteous Job, St. Arsenius the Great, Prophet Isaiah, Sts. Constantine and Helen. Hardbound. 525 pages.
The Great Collection of The Lives of the Saints
- Brand: St. Herman Press
- Product Code: 379984
- Availability: 10
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