
Righteous Leah - Св. праведная Лия x-small

Righteous Leah - Св. праведная Лия x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


Saint Euphrosynos the Cook

Saint Euphrosynos the Cook

Description: Icon of St. Euphrosynos the Cook,  laminated and mounted on wood.Size: 5" x 6..


Saint John Maximovitch

Saint John Maximovitch

Description: Icon on canvas of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco Produced by: Ortho..


St. Alexis the Man of God - Прп. Алексий, человек Божий x-small

St. Alexis the Man of God - Прп. Алексий, человек Божий x-small

Produced by: SofrinoSize: 2.5" x 3"Commemorated: 17/30 March..


St. Anastasia the Roman - Прмц. Анастасия Римляныня x-small
St. Anna of Kashin - Св. блгв. кн.  Анна Кашинская x-small

St. Anna of Kashin - Св. блгв. кн. Анна Кашинская x-small

Produced by: SofrinoSize: 2.5" x 3"Commemorated: 12/25 June,  2/15 October..


St. Anthony the Great - Прп. Антоний Великий x-small

St. Anthony the Great - Прп. Антоний Великий x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


St. Basil the Great - Свт. Василий Великий x-small

St. Basil the Great - Свт. Василий Великий x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"..


St. Constantine - Св. Константин x-small

St. Constantine - Св. Константин x-small

Produced by: SofrinoSize: 3" x 2.5"..


St. Cyril, Equal to the Apostles - Св. равноап., Кирилл x-small
St. Daniel of Moscow - Св. блгв. кн.  Даниил Московский x-small
St. Eugenia of Rome - Св. прмц. Евгения Римская x-small

St. Eugenia of Rome - Св. прмц. Евгения Римская x-small

Produced by: Sofrino Size: 2.5" x 3"Commemorated: 24 Dec./ 6 January..


St. George M

St. George M

Description: Produced with a detailed silk screen process using canvas and elegant gold leaf.&n..


Showing 61 to 80 of 141 (8 Pages)