Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing

Author: St. Theophan the Recluse

Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"

Format/Cover Type: Softcover

ISBN-13: 978-0-96227-130-4

Pages: 96

Description: Practical advice for raising children, from an Eastern Orthodox Christian perspective. Saint Theophan, while from a different era and country, has an uncanny ability to communicate with modern Westerners. Raising Them Right provides both practical and spiritual insight into a variety of important areas, such as baptism, the spiritual and psychological development of children through their teens, and preserving God's grace in a child's life. "What good fortune therefore it is to receive a good, truly Christian upbringing, to enter with it into the years of youth, then in the same spirit to enter into the years of adulthood." -Saint Theophan. Find practical advice for reaching these goals for your children in Raising Them Right.

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Raising Them Right: A Saint's Advice on Raising Children

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