Publisher: Nikodemus Orthodox Publication Society

Author: Lubov Millar

Dimensions: 5" x 9"

Format/Cover Type: Hardcover

ISBN: 978-1-879066-11-3

Pages: 388

Description: Who is she who looketh forth as the morning, clear as the sun? (Song of Solomon 6:10)

"When she was of marriageable age, she attracted the attention of many royal suitors, not only by her remarkable beauty, intelligence and wisdom, but primarily by her meekness and spiritual beauty, which were her most precious treasures and which earned her the respect and love of all.

Much was said and written in other countries about this rare maiden; a brilliant future was predicted for her. But such predictions were not in keeping with the providence of God, Who prepared her through the crucible of tribulation for a completely different kind of life and a different end..."

Abbot Seraphim
Martyrs of Christian Duty

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Grand Duchess Elizabeth of Russia: New Martyr of the Communist Yoke

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