Publisher: Mount Thabor Publishing
Author: St. Gregory Palamas. Edited by Christopher Veniamin.
Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"
Format/Cover Type: Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-9774983-8-3
Pages: 79
Description: Sermons by Saint Gregory Palamas is the title of a new series, in which many of Saint Gregory’s extant homilies are arranged thematically, principally for the benefit of the layperson interested in the rich Biblical tradition of the Church Fathers.
Miracles of the Lord is the fifth volume in the series and covers the Healing of the Paralyzed Man in Capernaum, the Raising of Lazarus, the Healing of the Blind Men, the Raising of the Widows Child, the Healing of the Man Possessed by Devils, and the Healing of the Ten Lepers.
“Saint Gregory gave to the Church what is surely the most complete synthesis and perfect formulation of the Apostolic tradition of all generations. His theology, in a charismatic and existential way, recapitulates, in its entirety, the spiritual experience of the saints of the Old and New Testaments . . . The sermons of Saint Gregory Palamas, in spirited and uncomplicated idiom, render his entire life’s work accessible to the people of God. In fact, they form the most complete introduction not only to his theology, but to the theology of all the great Fathers of the Church.” – Archimandrite Zacharias, Monastery of St. John the Baptist, England
Miracles of the Lord: Sermons by Saint Gregory Palamas
- Brand: Mount Thabor Publishing
- Product Code: 382292
- Availability: 3
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Tags: Saint Gregory Palamas