• All-Night Vigil Clergy Service Book

Publisher: Holy Trinity Publications, 2023

Dimensions: 6" x 4"

Format/Cover Type: Hardcover

Pages: 311

ISBN: 978-0-88465-463-6

Description: This pocket-size hieratikon contains all the texts necessary for a deacon or priest in serving the daily hours of the Orthodox Church - Vespers, Compline, Midnight Office, Matins and the hours. Church Slavonic and English texts are provided in parallel, on facing pages. Also included are instructions and additional prayers for the All-Night Vigil and the services of Great Lent, the festal and Sunday prokeimena, and festal megolynaria. The cloth binding is sewn for durability and supplemented with a marking ribbon.

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All-Night Vigil Clergy Service Book

  • $44.00

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