Publisher: SVS Press

Gabriel Bunge

Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"

Format/Cover Type:

ISBN-13: 978-0-88141-337-3

Pages: 152

Description: Evagrius Ponticus (343-399 AD) spent sixteen years in the desert of Egypt, where he gained the gift of insight into the human soul. His writings influenced the theology of John Cassian, Diadochus of Photike, Maximus the Confessor, and Palladius. Evagrius' image of the human being, profoundly biblical, allowed for a perceptive understanding of anger, its causes, consequences and cures. His major study on the topic "not ordinarily covered in works of theology" appears here in the English language for the first time and offers timeless wisdom on struggling with this passion.

When you find yourself tempted or contradicted; or when you get irritated or when you grow angry through encountering some opposition or feel the urge to utter some kind of invective, then is the time to put yourself in mind of prayer and of the judgment to be passed on such doings. You will find that the disordered movement will immediately be stilled.

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Dragon's Wine and Angel's Bread: The Teaching of Evagrius Ponticus on Anger and Meekness

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Tags: Evagrius Ponticus, Gabriel Bunge