Publisher: Denis Harvey
Author: Athanasios N. Papathanasiou
Dimensions: 4" x 7"
Format/Cover Type: Softcover
Pages: 46
ISBN: 978-960-7120-35-9
Description: Elder Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia (1906–1991), who was formally glorified as a saint by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in November 2013, has long been acknowledged and recognized as a luminary and spiritual guide with the special grace of ‘clear sight’. His life was particularly remarkable in that he lived it in both ascetic fastnesses and urban contexts.
This short study of the life and teaching of Saint Porphyrios is, in the words of its author Athanasios Papathanasiou, ‘an exercise in encounter with the present’. He takes into consideration present realities and conditions, both in the Church and society, and in the light of theology understood as a living discipline endeavours to determine certain particular qualities of the saint, drawing particularly on the saint's own words as recorded in the book Wounded by Love. His insights and interpretations have an immediacy and freshness of singular relevance to our perception of what constitutes a holy personage in the modern world and point to how we can reorient our thinking accordingly.
Athanasios Papathanasiou is a lecturer at the Hellenic Open University and the editor of the journal Synaxi.
A Hesychast from the Holy Mountain in the Heart of a City
- Product Code: 382764
- Availability: 1
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